April 16, 2020

What you should know about Facebook Ads. 5 working ideas

It is well-known, that Facebook is a source of high quality paid traffic. Meanwhile, it has its intricacies. Let’s consider them in detail.

No strategy – no results


You need a clear strategy before starting to advertise on Facebook. Without a strategy, your campaign won’t be effective, because you can’t create the ads, which fits your audience.  Below there are some questions, which might help you to build or amend your strategy:

  • What products or services am I promoting?
  • Who is my target audience?
  • Why do they need my product (what  “pain” do they have)?
  • Are they already in the funnel?
  • What is the goal of my campaign: sales, leads, brand awareness, else?

Targeting is a benefit


You should have a clear understanding of the audience you want to attract. These are the types of audiences in Facebook Ads:

  • Custom audiences: for example, users who have taken certain actions on your Facebook/Instagram/website, or those from your email list. 
  • Lookalike audiences: Facebook generates an audience of users similar to your current customers, based on the email list, pixel, or conversion goal. 
  • Demographic targeting
  • Location targeting
  • Interest/behavior targeting
  • Connection targeting: if you want your ads to be shown to users who are or are not connected with your brand

At the right place and the right time


The audience is sorted out, and now it’s time to decide where your ads should be displayed.  Among available options in Facebook Ads are:

Facebook Feeds. Ad formats for this placement are videos, single images, and carousel ads. 

Facebook Instant Articles (mobile). Articles on this placement are loaded 10x faster.

Facebook Right column (desktop). This placement has limited text and it is out of the line of sight.

Facebook In-Stream Videos (desktop and mobile placements). They should be brief (10 seconds or less), because they are played before, during, or after native video users are watching on platform. 

Facebook Suggested Videos (desktop and mobile).  Available with  App Installs, Video Views, Brand Awareness and Post Engagement objectives. 

Facebook Sponsored Messages (desktop and mobile).  It can be sent to users who have messaged your brand previously.

Facebook Messenger Home (mobile)The ads are displayed on Messenger’s home screen. 

Pay attention to the specifications of each placement and the audience you are going to attract.

Monitor your Ads


After you have launched your campaigns, pay a lot of attention to the statistics. First, your money is at stake. A thorough analysis will show which changes should be done for optimization. 

The metrics to watch: the CPC, frequency, relevance scores, and a number of actions taken. 

Run tests


Even if your campaigns perform well, test many creatives anyway. You never know which one will give you better results. Facebook optimizes ad serving based on performance and your conversion goal. Use an additional tracking tool to see run your tests. 

Just a friendly reminder, AdsBridge has the functionality to run split-tests for your Facebook creatives. Ask your manager?

Have successful Facebook campaigns?

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