User Guide

Manage affiliate networks

This page shows all the affiliate networks you have already created. From here you can go to the affiliate network creation page by clicking the “Create affiliate network” button, and also see the affiliate networks that you’ve added to the Archive by clicking on the “Move to archive” button.

In the upper right corner, you’ll see the “Actions” panel.

View statistics” icon becomes active when you select a specific affiliate network on the page. By clicking on this icon, you will be redirected to the “Statistics” section by this affiliate network where you will see more information.

Edit” icon becomes active when you select a specific affiliate network. By clicking on this icon, you will be redirected to the editing page of this affiliate network.

Copy” icon allows you to copy the selected affiliate network with its settings. The name of a copied affiliate network will look like the initial affiliate network name with added _copy1.

Move to archive” icon becomes active when you select a specific affiliate network. Currently, the AdsBridge platform does not provide the delete option; therefore, if you wish to stop using an affiliate network in your campaigns, you can move it to “Archive”. Archived affiliate networks may be re-activated if necessary. In the “Archive”, you can search affiliate networks by ID and name. As for the information available on the archived affiliate networks, you can view their ID, Name, Archiving date, Actions (icon for changing over to “Statistics” section on a specific affiliate network).

Notes” icon becomes active when you select a specific affiliate network. Here, if necessary, you can add any note on affiliate network. For this, enter text in the bottom field. The following options are available for text formatting: cancel, repeat, bold, italic, underline, strikethrough. Once you entered the text, press “Apply”, and it will be displayed on the top field. The added note will be shown as an icon near the affiliate network name.

The information available on the note is the name of a manager who created it (useful when there is a multi-user access to the account) and date. Moreover, you can edit or delete the note.

Please note that when you copy the affiliate network, the note is not copied.

Export” icon exports the uploaded statistics in CSV.

Refresh” icon refreshes the statistics on the screen.

Customize table” icon opens the side menu, in which you can edit the statistics display in the “Manage affiliate networks” section. At the moment, you can adjust the following columns: Assigned accounts, Visits, Clicks, Conversions, CR, %, CR,1/x, EPV, EPC, Spend, Earnings, Profit, Roi, Number of offers. When ticking the “Number of offers” checkbox, the system displays the number of offers, in the settings of which the specific affiliate network was added. If to click on such value in the statistics, the pop-up will open with the following information: Offer ID in the system, Offer name (if to click on it, you will be redirected to the editing page of this offer), Action (the switch to offer statistics).

In the table settings, you can also choose the currency for the spend, earnings, and profit values display.

Filters” icon opens the side menu, in which you can edit the statistics’ display in the “Manage affiliate networks” section.

This menu contains the following options:

“Time zone” – you can select the time zone in which you’d like to view the statistics. We recommend you to choose a time zone of a specific affiliate network to view the updated information.

“Period” – set the period within which you’d like to view statistics in the “Manage affiliate networks” section. By default, there are such options: Today, Yesterday, This week, Last 7 days, Last week, This month, Last 30 days, Last month. Please note that when choosing such options as “Last 7 days” and “Last 30 days”, the displayed statistics won’t include today. “Last week” and “Last month” display statistics for the last week/month. “This week” and “This month” displays statistics for the period from the beginning of the week/month to the present day.

“With traffic” – if you choose “Yes”, the table will display all affiliate networks which offers have at least one click for the specified period. If you tick “No”, then the table will display all affiliate networks that didn’t receive any click for the specified period. You can view statistics with or without traffic at the same time by ticking both boxes.

“Show events” – by selecting “Test”, the table will display only the test events (events, which were made by the test campaign link), “Non-test” – only non-test events. You can view statistics by test and non-test events at the same time if you tick both boxes.

In the “Total” line of this section, you will see the total value by some parameters.


Please note that you can filter data by specific values in some columns. For this, you need to press the “Filter” icon near the column name, select the value and press “Apply”.

If there are too many values in the column, the system won’t upload the list automatically; however, you still can find the needed value by entering its name and pressing “Enter”. After that, the checkbox with this value will be displayed, tick it and click on the “Apply” button. In the columns Visits, Clicks, Conversions, CR,%, EPV, EPC, Spend, Earnings, Profit, Roi, you can filter data using the following conditions: equal, more, less, more or equal, less or equal, not equal.

By clicking on the arrow icon near the column name, you can sort it alphabetically (A-Z, Z-A) or by quantity (from larger to smaller and vice versa).

Also, if to right-click on the line with a specific affiliate network, you will see the menu with a list of actions: View statistics, Edit, Copy, Move to archive, Notes.